We must oppose the government’s anti-boycott bill

In July 2023, the UK government tabled the ‘Economic Activity of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) bill’ (or anti-boycott bill), which threatens to erode local democracy, restrict freedom of expression, and undermine campaigns for social and climate justice.

Over 70 civil society organisations, including trade unions representing members of the LGPS, have come together to oppose the bill and defend the right to use divestment as a tool to advance human rights and justice.

The bill would severely restrict the ability of scheme members of public sector pension schemes, like the LGPS, to ensure their deferred wages are invested in line with their values.

The bill is an attack on the right of scheme members to influence how their money is invested, and must be opposed.

To find out more about the bill and its impact, read this briefing.

Get involved in the campaign to defend the right to boycott:


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