Member of the public: Write to your Councillors
Write to your elected local councillors to ask they take immediate action to ensure LGPS funds administered by their council are not enabling Israel’s war crimes.
UNISON Release Pension Campaigning Toolkit
UNISON Release Pension Campaigning ToolkitUNISON, the largest trade union in the UK, representing 1.3million workers, including thousands of LGPS members in the UK, have released a practical guide for scheme members to campaign to ensure their pension isn’t investing...
Campaigners Keep Pressure on ESCC ahead of Full Council
Campaigners keep pressure on ESCC ahead of Full CouncilFrom Hastings Online Times: Hastings & Rye Palestine Solidarity Campaign has called on supporters, as a matter of urgency, to send questions to East Sussex County Council’s Full Council meeting on 1 December...
LAPFF and WYPF begin engagement with complicit companies
LAPFF and WYPF begin engagement with complicit companies Local Authority Pension Fund Forum begins “correspondence with companies cited by both the PSC and the UN as having human rights concerns through their operations in the Israeli settlements/Occupied Palestinian...