Timeline of Divestment Milestones

All banks, pension funds, universities, and local councils have a responsibility to withdraw support for Israel’s genocide in Gaza, and its regime of military occupation and apartheid.

More and more institutions are taking steps to divest from companies enabling Israel’s war crimes against Palestinians, as a result of grassroots campaigning.

This timeline lists a selection of divestment milestones in Britain. Some are partial milestones – with campaigning ongoing to ensure that the institution fulfils its commitment, or goes further to commit to end all its investments in companies enabling Israel’s violations of Palestinian rights.

Find more information about starting a divestment campaign at your university or LGPS fund.

If you have an milestone you want to be included, get in touch.

Timeline of Divestment Milestones

19 September 2024

Lewisham Pension Fund, a fund of the LGPS, commits to “review and update its responsible investment policy” with a view to “move away” from companies facilitating human rights abuses, such as through the arms trade. Campaigners will keep up the pressure to ensure the fund ends all investments in companies enabling Israel’s human rights abuses..

8 August 2024

The Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS), the UK’s largest private pension scheme, divests from £80million of Israeli assets including Israeli government bonds, following pressure from UCU.

24 July 2024

Islington Pension Fund, a fund of the LGPS, commits to begin a process to  “ensure that companies on the UN’s list of businesses involved in activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory” are “excluded from the Fund’s investments.” Campaigners will continue to demand the fund divests from all companies enabling Israel’s war crimes

22 July 2024

Waltham Forest Pension Fund, a fund of the LGPS, commits to actions including to “update its ethical policy to ensure that the pension fund is divested from companies involved in the arms trade.” Campaigners will maintain pressure to ensure the fund  fulfils its commitments, and divests from all companies enabling Israel’s war crimes.

7 June 2024

Swansea University commits to divest from Barclays bank, as part of ensuring all of its investments follow an ethical investment policy.


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