Member of the public: Write to your Councillors
Write to your elected local councillors to ask they take immediate action to ensure LGPS funds administered by their council are not enabling Israel’s war crimes.
Scheme Members and Campaigners Demand Justice
Scheme Members and Campaigners Demand Justice!Across the first week of December, scheme members and allies have been lobbying their funds to end their complicity in Israel’s violations of international law and Palestinian human rights. They've been calling on funds to...
The Complicity of the LGPS in Israel’s Violations of International Law Webinar
Webinar: The Complicity of the LGPS in Israel's Violations of International Law Across the UK, scheme members and their representative trade unions, supported by PSC, are calling on their Local Government Pension Scheme funds to remove investments from companies...
New research reveals LGPS funds invest over £4.4 billion in companies complicit in Israel’s human rights abuses
New research finds LGPS funds invest over £4.4 billion in companies complicit in Israel’s human rights abuses Updated research released by PSC has identified that Local Government Pension Scheme funds continue to hold at least £4.4bn in companies complicit in...